Die Suche ergab 126 Treffer

von upandaway
03.09.2009 12:29
Forum: Gold und Edelmetalle
Thema: Gold, Silber Rohstoffe usw. Fundermentales Komentare usw.
Antworten: 1525
Zugriffe: 181327

Will Gold reach $5000 plus? Written by Martin Armstrong - Former President of Princeton Economics Artikel I have provided the technical analysis on Gold based on a monthly chart. The first real resistance is formed by the Primary Channel that shows $1,350 - $1,750 between 2010 and 2012. This represe...
von upandaway
22.08.2009 11:31
Forum: Indices, Einzelaktien - weltweit
Thema: Dow der Leitindex der Börsenwelt ! (kurz bis mittelfristig)
Antworten: 1490
Zugriffe: 220400

The last grand supercycle correction that we had was the south seas bubble in 1720. It lasted some 60+ years. According to Prechter, we have finished our last grandsupercycle and have started another correction that could last 40+ years. Certainly there would be many bull rallies or even bull market...
von upandaway
18.07.2009 19:39
Forum: Private Gespräche und allgemeiner Börsentalk
Thema: Wie geht es nun weiter bei den Indices ?
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 18227

The Next Five Years Inflation is coming back The U.S. stock market will probably stay in a trading range of between 6,000 and 12,000 on the Dow for a decade or more. A bull market year will be up 10-15%, a bear market year will be down 10-15%. This will be similar to the 1966 -1982 time period when ...
von upandaway
06.07.2009 12:50
Forum: Devisen, Geldmarkt und Konjunktur
Thema: Euro-Yen wie gehts da weiter ? nur Charttechnik !
Antworten: 616
Zugriffe: 730540

in den nächsten 12 monaten zwischen 121 (deutsche bank) und 167 (unicredit)
von upandaway
18.06.2009 09:21
Forum: Indices, Einzelaktien - weltweit
Thema: S&P 500 - die Masse der US Aktien in einem Index !
Antworten: 1224
Zugriffe: 219099

NEoWave Institute's Glenn Neely is forecasting the largest vertical drop of the decade for the S&P 500. Neely predicts the stock market will decline 50% in the next 6 months.